Monday, March 21, 2011

Guobin Li

Explain in the context of the extract from Slash's autobiography how getting sober can change someone's life.


In his autobiography, Slash said: "With nothing to cloud my vision, it felt like she was a stranger". The destruction of insobriety resulted in his inability to perceive things in a manner that was stratospherically different than when he was sober. When he was under the influence, he was blind-folded, he was not thinking logically and was not acting spontaneously to the surroundings including Megan, whom I assume, was the closest person to him at the time. He felt like he did not know Megan at all. It might have been the anxiety of being sober that made him let go of Megan even though he was actually in love with her.  It is also possible that he was only attached to her because he needed someone to lean on, someone that could comfort and console him. Either way, breaking up with Megan was part of Slash getting his life back. For Slash, looking back on his life, he might feel regretful for the decision. However, it does not matter whether it was the right choice for him or not. It was something Slash had to undergo getting sobriety which, without doubt, changed his life only for the better. In my opinion, getting sober is a matter of self-realization and self-fulfillment.


1 comment:

  1. Insufficient evidence. Remember, issue, evidence, analysis. The evidence forms the basis for the analysis. There is no real introduction of the issue.
